Past conferences
2024/2025 Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
In January 2025 we met in Newcastle under the theme of ‘Opportunities and challenges in Digital Policing – Theoretical and Practical perspectives’.
2023 Dutch Police Academy, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
The 2023 conference expanded from the Nordic countries to Europe. The theme of the conference was ethical and legal issues in digital policing.
2022 Norwegian Police Academy College, Oslo, Norway
The 6th Nordic Cybercrime Conference was organized by the research group Police and technology at the Norwegian Police University College, in cooperation with the Dutch Cyber Science Center. The theme of the conference was Policing in a Digital Society.
2021 Aalborg University, Denmark
The 2021 edition of the conference was once again arranged by Aalborg university, and focused on data and algorithms in police work, social media drug trading, and the police as app providers.
2020 Umeå University, Sweden
The 2020 conference was moved online due to Covid, but was arranged by the DIGSUM Digital Social Science research center and the department of law at Umeå University. The conference focused on consequences of digitalization for criminality, policing and the rule of law.
2019, Norwegian Police Academy College, Oslo, Norway
The 2019 conference was arranged by the Norwegian Police University College research group on Policing in the Digital Society.
2018 Aalborg University, Denmark
The 2018 conference was arranged in cooperation between the International Economic Crime and Cybercrime Research Centre and the Danish Rigspolitiet. The focus for the conference was data protection and police investigations.
2017 Aalborg University, Denmark
The first conference, then called the Nordic Cybercrime seminar was arranged by the International Economic Crime and Cyber Crime Research Centre and focused on the criminal law frameworks for cybercrime in the Nordic countries and investigatory measures in the digital environment.